North Pinellas Republican Club

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April 15
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April 15 -- Club Meeting commenced with President Joe Brady leading the invocation and pledge of allegiance. Following club business matters, announcements, and Introductions President Brady presented  Guest Speaker Peter Glickman to discuss the major downside issues of water fluoridation. Since this an event to occur by June 1st throughout Pinellas County, the topic is of significant interest and concern to all members and citizens.

Mr. Glickman, revealed insights and provided slides depicting the long term effects of water fluoridation on children's teeth. He further noted that few consumers bother to read the warning labels posted on children's toothpaste and passed out examples. Significantly. the toothpaste manufacturer directs consumers whose children may have consumed the product to immediately call a poison control center. Why? Apparently the product contains a toxicity equivalent to Arsenic and Lead. "Yet" he continued, "the government by Federal Guidelines permits Fluoride levels to be included in consumer products significantly higher than Arsenic and Lead. And to boot, want to fluorinate municipal water everywhere." He summarized by listing the many health problems resulting from the so called safe levels of water fluoridation, everything from birth defects to osteoporosis and all in between. Bottom line, maybe a revisit of Pinellas County water fluoridation might be just be in order. More information on the subject can be obtained through Mr. Peter Glickman and his associates Barbara Lee (L) and Susan Stockton, (R)  Chairperson of the Education Committee for the Glickman organization.


Betty Hoover, membership director does what  she is charged to do, she attends to membership functions and does it with warm smiles.






Always nice to have representatives from elected officials in attendance. Enables direct conversation and dialog with those officials.









Candidates in attendance, meeting and greeting potential voters are Neil Brickfield (upper center) Ronnie Duncan (center left) and Lucile Casey (lower right) All seek the County Commissioner District 1 seat,

 President Brady announced the Spring Fling date of Saturday, May 15th inviting all to attend for great fun and camaraderie.

Past President, Brett Miller, whose initiative a few years ago was instrumental in the current development effort of a county wide instant communication and integration program underway shown below with friend and campaign manger for a re elect President George W. Bush initiative. 

A redo of the club website is now underway with the intent to make it more dynamic, interactive, current and integrated into the Republic Party of Pinellas, Florida and the Nation.  Visit often for all the latest.  As an example, visit the PCREC White House Briefing excerpts page just by clicking here.












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Copyright © 2004 Joe Bender
Last modified: 07/16/04