North Pinellas Republican Club

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July 15
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Club's July meeting at Tiffany's in Palm Harbor




President Joe Brady invited candidates for various elected offices to share platforms, goals and specific objectives prior to the conference call with the First Lady, Laura Bush.





Some of those who accepted and then stood ready to answer questions from the floor included:

Commissioner Peter Nehr, Deputy Jim Coats, Mayor Jay J Beyrouti and Sheriff Rice







Supervisor of Elections, Deborah Clark and Entrepreneur Ronnie Duncan.









Commissioner Neil Brickfield (L)













 Private Security Supervisor Tim Glassburner








.........and many attendees including








the O'Shea Family















     the Aungst Team








the Miller entourage









and so ended a night at Tiffany's

God Bless our honorable President George W. Bush






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Copyright © 2004 Joe Bender
Last modified: 07/16/04