North Pinellas Republican Club

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May 20, 2004

PCREC Chairman, Paul Bedinghaus the Evening’s Guest Speaker at the North Pinellas Republican Club provided very insightful comments about the upcoming election expectations. Who should know better than the Chairman? His developed experience over several elections and the ability to predict the election outcome based on specific and tested indices was enlightening.  Even when the numbers were wrong, his analyses of the reasons were quite appropriate. He noted planning for this election would include an extension of campaign headquarters in northern Pinellas and a close watch all during Election Day on polling activity.

 If and as required, he will then be in a position to execute steps to add troops where and when necessary similar to a Commander in Battle. The new countywide Internet capability should serve well as an instant communication vehicle to the various precincts.

 A special page will be created just for that purpose so do plan to keep your computers and browsers tuned to the county website that day for instant updates. Nice game plan Mr. Chairman and all our current technical capability and more will be utilized.

In a somber and thoughtful moment the Chairman expressed his read on leadership and those qualities most evident in superb leaders. He noted our Presidents ability when addressing any audience, whether it is domestic or international, to convey truth and intent.  “The world may not like what they hear but there is no doubt about the Presidents commitment to his message and to that issue he earns deep respect”.  Not for a very long time has any President earned such worldwide respect as a President who says what he means and executes on what he says. Make no mistake about that. Consider for just for a moment, under what opponent in this election would this country and the world have a stronger sense of belief in this country’s commitments.  None.   

Chairman Bedinghaus noted polls show that many Americans, better than 60 percent in fact, comment that the President’s opponent says what people want to hear and not what he truly believes or intends to do.  So then what does the world think?  Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to answer that question. Good thoughts Mr. Chairman and thank you on behalf of the North Pinellas Republican Club.



President Joe Brady made special note of Safety Harbor City Commissioner Robin Borland hosting, at her home, the Spring Fling Fund Raiser which resulted in a check for $250 and a county youth spending the summer at camp. Nice contribution of time and effort Commissioner Borland



Elected Officials in attendance included Supervisor of Election Deborah Clark and both Commissioners of Safety Harbor, Commissioner Borland and Brickfield.


 Neil Brickfield also a Candidate for County Commissioner shared a few comments with attendees. 




 Included among the notables was Kim Berfield, Pinellas County Commissioner who is seeking another term. Kim shares election concerns with On Top Of the World President Erwin Beck.



An articulate, Karen Aungst, representing the Mayor of Clearwater, Brian Aungst, candidate for County Clerk, professionally presented many issue and accomplishments of the Mayor over these past years. Mr. Mayor, your wife served your cause extremely well and earned a night on the town.





Nice presentation Karen Aungst!


Always on duty Betty Hover organizes the sign in process with a noble staff at the ready. Her instructions may be brief but never the less effective and get this important process accomplished well. You will find Betty involved all over the county including County Headquarters. Stay the course Betty we need you.

President Erwin Beck explains his current objective to be elected to the citizens review of judicial candidates. The committee's purpose is to provide a watch dog group to assure candidates with the qualities, values and qualifications, to serve as judges, are in the running. Voter awareness is the bottom line. (Ed Note: For example Cynthia Newton running for Judgeship, District 21 is the only Republican Candidate in that contest of several with the appropriate court room experience on point, "on all fours, as it were"  to occupy that seat.)  President Beck's specific message is that " voters must be informed" other wise inappropriate judges unsuited for the post get elected.  Erwin Beck wants to make a meaningful difference in that process. Hats off to President Beck who is as community minded as anyone in the county.

Prior to meeting start Chairman Bedinghaus exercises "carpe diem" and takes a few moments to greet members,  friends and guests such as  Kim Walker and her companion.










A good meeting and beats watching the hockey team loose to the Flyers. As we say around town now "oh well" and if you wish to share thoughts or concerns  about anything click on this link provided.



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Last modified: 07/16/04